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Hitting True North

4 dancers from all over the globe are in search of finding their true north. To be able to connect with their personal compass, the beaten track and delusions of the day need to be defied during their inner journey to the core. In the rituals and the powerful live-music of Oene van Geel and Oleg Fateev they find a navigator but also a saboteur.


In this latest piece by choreographer and anthropologist Kalpana Raghuraman, she examines how people relate to constant changes. In her performances, Indian dance language is combined with contemporary dance, and live music is a fixed part of the whole.

Check out the trailer of Hitting True North

Concept Kalpana Raghurama| Dancers Indu Panday, Gino Taytelbaum, Lars de Vos, Goda Zukauskaité and Bilal Bachir|live music & composition Oene van Geel & Oleg Fateev|light & set Jeffery Steenbergen | costume designer Aziz Bekkaoui | dramaturgy Marc Marc | production manager Susanne Tuny | press & PR Anke Riesenkamp | sales Gysèle Business & Arts | in collaboration with Korzo Theater and CC Amstel

From the press (in Dutch):


'(..) de virtuoze muzikanten en dansers, met hun uiteenlopende stijlen, maken Hitting true north absoluut een spannend geheel. 

(..) Vooral Indu Panday blinkt uit in traditionele Indiase bewegingen, die nieuwsgierig maken naar hun herkomst.'


'Indu Panday fascineert met precieze mudra's en krachtige ritmes'

- Het Parool


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